JURNAL TABGHA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam <p>Jurnal Tabgha di terbitkan oleh UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam. Jurnal ini memiliki focus dan scope pada ilmu Teologi Kristen sebagaimana di jelaskan pada Scope dan Focus. Jurnal Tabgha mempublikasi hasil penelitian Dosen, Praktisi dan atau mahasiswa. Frekuensi terbitan adalah dua kali setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober. Semua artikel yang masuk dalam Jurnal Tabgha akan melalui proses review secara profesinal dan terukur oleh Dewan redaksi yang telah ditentukan oleh UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam.</p> en-US tony@st3b.ac.id (TONY SUHARTONO. M.Pd.,M.Th) gomgom@st3b.ac.id (Gomgom Purba) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 POLITIK KEBIJAKAN AGAMA DALAM MASYARAKAT PLURAL: MEMBANGUN KERUKUNAN UMAT BERAGAMA MELALUI PANCASILA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/143 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study discusses the importance of religious policy in creating harmony between religious communities in the context of plural society in Indonesia. As a country rich in cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, Indonesia faces significant challenges in maintaining social harmony. Although the 1945 Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, the implementation of policies often does not provide fair treatment, especially for minority groups. Through a qualitative approach that relies on literature reviews, statistical data, and interviews with stakeholders, this study highlights the importance of the role of Pancasila as the foundation of the state in building harmony. Pancasila contains universal values ​​that encourage respect for differences and the need to create inclusive and fair policies. This study also identifies challenges in the implementation of religious policies, including the emergence of discrimination and resistance from certain groups. It is emphasized that interfaith dialogue and education on harmony are very important in fostering a tolerant attitude. In order to achieve this goal, collaboration between the government, religious institutions, and civil society needs to be strengthened. Overall, the results of the study show that through fair policies and active community participation, a harmonious environment can be created, where every individual is valued and recognized regardless of religious background</em></p> Steven, Gomgom Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Steven, Gomgom Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/143 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BERJALAN DALAM HIKMAT ROH KUDUS BAGI PEMURIDAN KELUARGA KRISTEN https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/137 <p><em>The Holy Spirit, as the third coequal and consubstantial divine person of the Trinity, fulfills the promise to accompany churches as the Divine Person continuing the work of Jesus Christ. Through the wisdom poured out by the Holy Spirit, Christians are empowered to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, including the process of Christian Family Discipleship. As emphasized by Paul the Apostle, every Christian possesses a genuine understanding of true wisdom, ensuring that the foundation of Christianity is not built on human wisdom but on divine wisdom. This article aims to underscore the significance of Holy Spirit wisdom in Christian Family Discipleship. The research methodology employed is Descriptive Qualitative </em>(Sonny Eli Zaluchu 2020)<em> with a literature review approach, drawing from sources such as the Bible, books, and relevant journals. The discussion encompasses the Holy Spirit's role in the world and the family, His strengthening of the weak, and His impartation of wisdom. Additionally, the article delves into the Biblical basis of the Holy Spirit's role in both the Old and New Testaments. The conclusion highlights the crucial importance of the wisdom bestowed by the Holy Spirit, as it not only reflects the highest wisdom of God but also greatly benefits Christian Family Discipleship.</em></p> Suhendra suhendra Copyright (c) 2024 Suhendra suhendra https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/137 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KATA CINTA UANG MENURUT I TIMOTIUS 6:10 SERTA IMPLIKASINYA DALAM MEMBANGUN KOMITMEN MELAYANI https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/136 <p><span class="s8"><span class="bumpedFont17">Money play a very important rule in humans’ life. We can found a lot of crime commited related to money, and some of them involved fighting and even murder. Christians have many different opinions related to money according to their money-understanding.</span></span> <span class="s8"><span class="bumpedFont17">This research has purpose : 1) to analize the understanding of word “love for money” according to 1 Timothy 6:10 in Tabgha Indonesia Bethel Church branch in Tanjungpinang. 2) &nbsp;to analize the implication of “love for money” in Tabgha Indonesia Bethel Church branch in Tanjungpinang 3) to analize ministry commitment building in Tabgha Indonesia Bethel Church branch in Tanjungpinang 4) to analize the understanding of word “love for money” according to 1 Timothy 6:10 and its implication in ministry commitment bu</span></span><span class="s8"><span class="bumpedFont17">ilding &nbsp;in Tabgha Indonesia Bethel Church branch in Tanjungpinang.</span></span><span class="s8"><span class="bumpedFont17"> After the research, writer found that</span></span> <span class="s8"><span class="bumpedFont17">: 1) it is needed to return people’s focus to God, 2) understanding the true meaning of “love for money” according to God’s word is needed, 3) it is important to have a continously personal fellowship with God, 4) good ministry standard is necessary, and 5) should become a good example in home and community.</span></span></p> Heryanto Copyright (c) 2024 Heryanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/136 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERLIBATAN ORANG TUA DALAM PENDIDIKAN ANAK https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/138 <p><em>This study aims to investigate the use of technology in increasing parental participation in educating children. In today's digital era, technological advances have resulted in various online applications and platforms that support communication between parents and schools, making it easier to exchange information and monitor children's development. This study uses a qualitative method that allows researchers to analyze the effectiveness of various technological tools in encouraging collaboration and communication. The results show that technology not only increases parental engagement, but also contributes to improved child learning outcomes. The increase in the frequency of communication between parents and teachers has a positive impact on children's learning motivation. However, it is important to note that not all parents have the same skills in using technology; Some are proficient, while others may have difficulties. Therefore, the implications of this study emphasize the importance of technology integration in school communication strategies by taking into account parents' technological capabilities, so that all parties can participate optimally in children's education. An inclusive approach in the use of technology is very important to support the role of parents in the development of children's education Keywords: Technology, Involvement, Parents, Children</em></p> Tony Suhartono; Heru Cahyono Copyright (c) 2024 Tony Suhartono; Heru Cahyono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/138 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EKSISTENSI DIGITAL DALAM MUSIK GEREJA REFLEKSI ALKITABIAH MAZMUR 40:4 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/140 <p><em>Now, digital existence is moving faster and faster among the activities of billions of people. With it, each individual is integrated. On the other hand, digital concepts continue to transform and capture everyone's attention. Various literacies also discuss the good sides, challenges and opportunities of digital for humans and their generations. Added to this is the innovation of copying machines whose functions are not far from humans. It's called Artificial Intelligence (AI), a human-made intelligent machine designed to make human work easier. Finally, several opinions say that this machine will be a big threat if not managed properly. In this article the author will explain the existence of digital AI from a Christian perspective. Because like it or not, the church must accept and apply AI technology and media in its ministry to repair a broken world. However, modern technology will deny God's birth when it is in the wrong hands with the wrong motivation. David in his composition in (Psalm 40:4), reminds us that God is the creator of all good things for the glory of His name, not to destroy His creation. In another sense, digital was designed not for humanity's fall into sin, but instead for the work of salvation through the redemption He provided. In order to avoid misunderstandings about the existence of digitalization, the author will clarify the concept of digital in church music by providing a general overview of developing theories.</em></p> Eko Agus Setiawan, Nilawaty Manalu Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Agus Setiawan, Nilawaty Manalu https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/140 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TRITUNGGAL: KONTROVERSI TEOLOGIS DAN IMPLIKASINYA BAGI IMAN KRISTEN https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/139 <p><em>The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the theological issues that is full of controversy until today, starting from the era of the church fathers to the contemporary era. It must be recognized that is impossible for the Trinity to be discussed and understood completely by limited human thought. This study aims to revitalize the doctrine of the Trinity in the midst of the rampant debate on social media, especially on the Youtube platform, which certainly creates an uncomfortable atmosphere. There are certain groups that vigorously reject the doctrine of the Trinity but claim to be Christians and their churches are legally recognized. The author will review the early history of the doctrine of the Trinity and examine its theological foundation to confront groups that oppose the doctrine of the Trinity. Althought the Bible literally does not write the term Trinity, the church and tradition contain it. A misunderstanding of God’s existences will also indirectly relate to and have an impact on other doctrines. The rejection pf the doctrine of the Trinity harms Christianity.</em></p> Samuel Tampubolon Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Tampubolon https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/139 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000