JURNAL TABGHA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam <p>Jurnal Tabgha di terbitkan oleh UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam. Jurnal ini memiliki focus dan scope pada ilmu Teologi Kristen sebagaimana di jelaskan pada Scope dan Focus. Jurnal Tabgha mempublikasi hasil penelitian Dosen, Praktisi dan atau mahasiswa. Frekuensi terbitan adalah dua kali setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober. Semua artikel yang masuk dalam Jurnal Tabgha akan melalui proses review secara profesinal dan terukur oleh Dewan redaksi yang telah ditentukan oleh UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam.</p> UPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam en-US JURNAL TABGHA 2722-6190 PERANAN ORANG TUA DALAM PERKEMBANGAN IMAN ANAK https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/110 <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Family education is an essential part of the formation and development of the faith of the child, and the family is a wonderful work of God for mankind as well as an important platform for shaping a better life for the family in the future. All this demands a serious and responsible role from parents. Parents should prioritize the implementation of all the commandments of God in His laws in the family, namely to make the family the educational center for building the spiritual intelligence of the child from an early age, which includes the teachings of compassion, discipline, appreciation, spiritual growth. The writer used literary descriptive methods to obtain data to study Deuteronomy 6:7 as a whole. In this study the author finds that the family is the first educational centre that plays a role in the development of the faith of the child, with the principles found in Deuteronomy 6:7, the modern family can apply the special command given to the Israelites about how to live family life.</p> </div> </div> </div> George Rudi Hartono Pasaribu Copyright (c) 2024 George Rudi Hartono Pasaribu https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 5 1 1 12 10.61768/jt.v5i1.110 PERAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN IMAN ANAK DI GEREJA KELUARGA TABGHA ALMA JAYA MALAYSIA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/116 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Parents are men and women who are bound by marriage and are ready to assume responsibility as the father and mother of the children they give birth to. Parents are two different individuals entering life together by bringing views, daily habits. The writer of Proverbs also emphasized to parents to use the "rod of discipline" with their children in guiding them to have faith in God. He who does not use a stick hates his children, but he who loves his children chastens them in time (Proverbs 13:24). It is also said that there is a time when children are so easily guided to know God. This time should be used by parents as soon as possible. “Behold your child as long as there is hope, but do not desire his death (Proverbs 19:18). The results of this research can be used as a theoretical basis regarding the role of parents in the growth of children's faith. The results of this research can be studied theoretically and academically by Theological Colleges and Christian researchers. In writing this thesis the researcher used qualitative research methods. And the author uses basic theories from various sources, namely: books and the Bible. From this research, it was found that parents have played a role in the growth of children's faith so that the results can be that children who experience growth in faith experience spiritual formation and the children provide themselves to be involved in service at the local church.</em></p> Andre Djaafar Eko Agus Setiawan Marito Siringoringo Gomgom Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Andre Djaafar, Eko Agus Setiawan, Marito Siringoringo, Gomgom Purba https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 5 1 13 24 10.61768/jt.v5i1.116 KONSEP KEKUDUSAN MENURUT IMAMAT 18 DAN IMPLIKASINYA TERHADAP KONSELING PRANIKAH KAUM MUDA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/111 <p><em>Pre-marital counseling is an activity held for unmarried parties, in connection with their wedding plans. These parties come to the counselor to make their decisions so that they are more stable and can make better adjustments in the future. Marriage counseling or what is commonly called marriage counseling is an effort to help the prospective bride and groom. Marriage counseling is carried out by professional counselors. The goal is that they can develop and be able to solve the problems they face through ways of mutual respect, tolerance, and communication, in order to achieve family motivation, development, independence, and the welfare of all family members.</em></p> <p><em>In this journal, the researcher used a qualitative phenomenological approach, where in this research the emphasis is on meaning and process rather than the results&nbsp;of&nbsp;an&nbsp;activity</em></p> <p><em>Holiness is a state or quality of being holy. Holiness is a sign of a believer's spiritual life that must be continuously strived for, including ethical behavior. The Christian life and holiness are an inseparable unity in the believer. God's holiness has a lot to do with the people He chooses. Election/covenant is a unique expression of God's holiness. Because God is holy, God also requires His people to live holy lives (Leviticus 11:44). God shows His holiness in His actions for the salvation of the people He has chosen (Num. 20:13)</em></p> Suhendra suhendra Ratna Juwita Hutauruk Copyright (c) 2024 Suhendra suhendra, Ratna Juwita Hutauruk https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 5 1 25 33 10.61768/jt.v5i1.111 DAMPAK GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN KETUA KELOMPOK SEL BAGI KARAKTER GENERASI MILENIAL DI GEREJA KELUARGA TABGHA KAJANG MALAYSIA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/113 <p>Bagaimana meningkatkan kehadiran generasi milenial di dalam Gereja Keluarga Tabgha Kajang di Malaysia. Gaya Kepemimpinan Ketua Komsel yang mahir. Kepemimpinan yang efektif dari Ketua Komsel dalam mempengaruhi transformasi generasi Milenial dalam Gereja Keluarga Tabgha Kajang di Malaysia. Pendekatan kualitatif mewujudkan metodologi penelitian yang berfokus pada mengeksplorasi fenomena sosial dan masalah manusia. Metodologi kualitatif menghasilkan data deskriptif yang berasal dari narasi individu dan pengamatan perilaku. Sebaliknya, penelitian kualitatif menantang paradigma fenomenologis dengan menyoroti pengalaman subjektif individu atau kelompok sosial, selaras dengan tujuan penelitian. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan ketua Komsel dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan Efesus 4:12 pada karakteristik generasi Milenial, menyiratkan bahwa ketua komsel harus menerapkan strategi yang sesuai dengan Efesus 4:12, menggambarkan gaya kepemimpinan yang beresonansi dengan karakteristik dan kecenderungan generasi Milenial, sehingga menumbuhkan dampak positif pada karakter dan perilaku mereka. Tugas misi otentik penginjilan yang menambah Gaya Kepemimpinan Ketua Komsel. Pendekatan kepemimpinan yang mewujudkan “Efesus 4:12 Untuk memperlengkapi orang-orang kudus untuk pekerjaan pelayanan, untuk membangun tubuh Kristus.”</p> Robertus Suryady Nurti Tiarna Banjarnahor Copyright (c) 2024 Robertus Suryady, Nurti Tiarna Banjarnahor https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 5 1 34 47 10.61768/jt.v5i1.113 DOSA ASAL DALAM TRADISI KRISTEN DAN RELEVANSINYA TERHADAP SAKRAMEN BAPTISAN https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/103 <p><em>This writing attempts to explore the concept of original sin in Christian theology, which believes that every human inherits a spiritual flaw from the fall of Adam and Eve. The research highlights its impact on the relationship between humans and God, emphasizing the need for salvation through Jesus Christ as the Savior. The main focus is on the sacrament of baptism as a means of forgiveness of sins and spiritual restoration through a new birth in the Christian faith. Through theological analysis, this article discusses the role of emergency baptism, especially in restoring the relationship between humans and God. The author employs a qualitative approach to delve into the concept of original sin and its connection to Baptism. Based on the research findings, salvation through baptism is seen as liberation from original sin and an experience of a new birth. Therefore, emergency baptism in the HKBP church is deemed highly necessary.</em></p> Harimerwaty Siallagan Frans Soma Marpaung Mikael Harianja Ricky Pramono Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 Harimerwaty Siallagan, Frans Soma Marpaung, Mikael Harianja, Ricky Pramono Hasibuan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 5 1 48 57 10.61768/jt.v5i1.103 MAKNA DOA ORANG BENAR MENURUT YAKOBUS 5:16 DI KOMUNITAS PENDOA GEREJA BETHEL INDONESIA TABGHA BATAM https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/tabgha-batam/article/view/112 <p>Manusia sebagai makhluk ciptaan membutuhkan sarana membangun hubungan dengan penciptanya. Hal ini karena manusia adalah makhluk yang diciptakan untuk bergantung kepada Allah. Doa adalah sarana utama dalam menghubungkan manusia dengan Allah maka oleh karena itu makna doa menjadi sangat penting untuk dipahami dengan benar oleh orang-orang Kristen. Memahami makna doa menjadi sangat penting karena tidak sedikit orang-orang yang menjadi kecewa karena menganggap doanya tidak dijawab oleh Allah. Kekecewaan ini kemudian membuat orang yang tadinya bersemangat menyembah Allah kemudian beralih menjadi orang yang tidak percaya. Dalam beberapa kasus yang penulis jumpai ada jemaat yang tidak lagi beribadah di gereja karena merasa tidak layak karena Tuhan belum menjawab doanya ataupun karena merasa ditinggalkan Allah karena dosanya. Untuk menanggapi hal tersebut maka, perlu dipahami kembali makna doa dalam pandang Kristen yang dimana dalam tulisan ini penulis menggunakan Yakobus 5:16 sebagai dasar makna doa yang patut diteladani. Menggunakan pendekatan metode reader response penulis melakukan serangkaian kegiatan dalam memahami pandangan responden terhadap teks Yakobus 5:16. Melalui penelitian ini penulis dapat memahami pandangan para pembaca dalam mendeskripsikan tentang doa orang benar besar kuasanya. Setelah melakukan langkah-langkah tersebut maka penulis akhirnya menampilkan kesimpulan yang berupa makna doa yang dihasilkan dari versi pembaca. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pembanding penelitian terdahulu karena merupakan tanggapan dari para pembaca.</p> Hotmarina Turnip Feri Aman Mendrofa Copyright (c) 2024 Hotmarina Turnip, Feri Aman Mendrofa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 5 1 58 67 10.61768/jt.v5i1.112