JURNAL IMPARTA https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha <p>Kata Imparta nama jurnal Imparta dapat diartikan sebagai peranan Pendidik memiliki kewajiban untuk menanamkan moral yang kuat kepada didikannya. Scope dan Focus dari jurnal Imparta sebagaimana yang telah dipaparkan pada Jurnal Imparta. Jurnal Imparta ini akan terbit pada Juli dan Januari setiap tahunya. Jurnal Imparta ini dikelola secara profesional oleh program studi pendidikan agama Kristen dan diterbitkan Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam</p> en-US intan@st3b.ac.id (Intan Suriyanti, S.Si.,M.Th) gomgom@st3b.ac.id (Gomgom Purba) Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Implementasi Keadilan Sosial Perspektif Amos Bagi Gen-Z https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/119 <p><em>Humans are faced with countless kinds of social problems, one of which is the problem of social justice. The practice of social injustice has been going on for centuries, including in the nation of Israel. The Bible clearly writes how the prophet Amos voiced justice and rebuked injustice committed by religious leaders and the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The principle of justice is respect for a person's life. The church as an organizer of social justice has a responsibility to embrace the entire life of the congregation, including generation Z, which currently has the largest population in Indonesia. This research aims to highlight the role of the Church as an organizer of social justice for generation Z. The research method used is a qualitative case study with an example from one of the churches in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta. The research results show that the Church can uphold social justice by developing the lives of generation Z, by teaching God's Word and providing the necessary training through the Training Center. So, through the establishment of the Ensample Training Center, the Church has taken a role in implementing social justice for generation Z.</em></p> Tony Suhartono, Lene Koptin Copyright (c) 2024 Tony Suhartono, Lene Koptin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/119 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK DI GEREJA BAGI PEMBENTUKAN CALON PEMIMPIN BERINTEGRITAS https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/126 <p><em>Children are the next generation of a nation, in the sense that the older group will later be replaced by the younger group who will continue everything in this life. They have a strategic role in the continuation of life. On a smaller scale, namely for the church, children are also the beginning of future generations who will carry on the sacred message, and will have an important role in the development of the church and state in the future. The better the teaching given to children from an early age, the better the future development of the church will be in order to create future leaders who are good, ethical and have high integrity. This research will discuss the role of children's education in the church in the formation of future leaders with integrity. The research was conducted qualitatively, through literature studies and also biblical research with analysis of the Bible related to education and church services in the field of children. Children's ministry, especially in spiritual teaching services according to God's Word, is very important because it is one of the responsibilities of the church. However, the church has challenges in providing education, namely challenges in the form of cultural context and secular environment, limited resources, technology, participation and also parental commitment. Facing these challenges, the church needs to develop creative, relevant and inclusive educational strategies and programs to meet the needs of children in their spiritual growth. It involves close collaboration between church leaders, staff, volunteers, and the church community as a whole. The church must provide repeated teaching in the form of teaching moral values, building character, cultivating exemplary leadership and developing spiritual awareness. Through strong and consistent spiritual education, children can grow into leaders with integrity, ready to lead with justice, honesty and love, and become inspiring role models for others</em><em>.</em></p> Intan Suriyanti, Fitriyani Gulo Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Suriyanti, Fitriyani Gulo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/126 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APLIKASI PUJIAN PENYEMBAHAN DALAM MENGATASI MASALAH KECEMASAN DI MASA LANJUT USIA DI IBADAH USIA EMAS (UMAS) GEREJA BETHEL INDONESIA TABGHA BATAM CENTER https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/127 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>The purpose of this research is to determine the application of praise and worship in overcoming the problem of anxiety in old age at the golden age service (umas) of the Bethel Indonesia Tabgha Church, Batam Center. Various problems arise in old age, one of which is anxiety. The problem of anxiety in the elderly is a serious problem that must be considered because it can increase the risk of disease and lead to death. Worship praise is the right solution in dealing with the problem of "anxiety" in the elderly. The power of praise and worship is very powerful and extraordinary, able to overcome "anxiety" in the elderly so that the elderly gain new strength, and are able to accept the reality of past conditions with the various changes they are currently experiencing. The elderly believe that their days will be fine, and they will experience joy and peace. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature review approach, and a descriptive method with a data collection process through interviews, observation and documentation of five participants. Based on the results of the research and data analysis carried out, it was concluded that the application of praise and worship has an influence in overcoming anxiety problems in the elderly. In determining the application of praise and worship in overcoming anxiety in the elderly, it is necessary for the elderly to understand how important it is to get closer to God through praise and worship.</em></p> Gomgom Purba, Melinda Siahaan, Intan Suriyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Gomgom Purba, Melinda Siahaan, Intan Suriyanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/127 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGI PENGINJILAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT PEMUDA BERIBADAH DI GEREJA KRISTEN KUDUS INDONESIA MUJIZAT TELAGAPUNGGUR https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/125 <p><em>Regarding strategy, it’is always related to obtaining results or achieving goals, therefore it is important to have an evangelism strategy or discipleship service for church growth. The current situation in service activities and youth worship activities at GKKI Mujizat Telaga Punggur is not good and requires more intensive education what researcher have seen so far. This research uses qualitative methods and the informants in this research are five young people who were able to collect data from interviews. The results of the research found youth problems such as low time and spiritual discipline, responsibility in carrying out service tasks and not yet fully structured guidance in groups of young people. The purpose of this research is to describe how the process of this evangelism strategy influences young people's interest in worshiping at GKKI Mujizat Telaga Punggur, because evangelism is very important for church growth. There are lot of obstacles that hinder young people from attending youth worship at church, apart from the lack of availability of things to support the smooth running of worship as well as inadequate human resources. </em><em>So there are several evangelism strategy efforts that need to be implemented, there are also forms of increasing interest in worship that need to be implemented and whether the impact of the evangelism strategy is in line with the hopes and plans to be achieved. So that we can find out how the implementation or application of the evangelism strategy offered goes according to plan and has an impact on the ministry and even the growth of the youth population.</em></p> Johannes Hutabarat, Steven, Andy Sipayung Copyright (c) 2024 Johannes Hutabarat, Steven, Andy Sipayung https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/125 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MANFAAT EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN NON TES PADA MATA PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KRISTEN BAGI PESERTA DIDIK https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/120 <p>Sudah menjadi keharusan bagi seorang guru untuk mengetahui dan juga melakukan evaluasi &nbsp;dalam pembelajaran yang dia lakukan karena hal ini merupakan salah satu kompetensi mendasar yang harus dikuasainya &nbsp;sehingga &nbsp;menjadi &nbsp;tanggung jawabnya sebagai&nbsp; pendidik. &nbsp;Kompetensi ini harus sesuai dengan tupoksi guru bidang pembelajaran tersebut yaitu melakukan Penilaian pembelajaran yang meliputi&nbsp; penilaian hasil belajar. &nbsp;Dengan melakukan penilaian maka guru yang menjadi pengelola kegiatan pembelajaran dapat menilai keterampilan peserta didik, ketepatan metode yang digunakan, demikian juga berhasil tidaknya peserta didik mencapai keterampilan yang ditentukan.</p> <p>Dalam melakukan Proses penilaian memiliki tujuan untuk &nbsp;memperoleh informasi yang akurat tentang kompetensi, kualitas seseorang atau suatu objek yang dinilai, dan dalam praktiknya selalu digunakan dua pendekatan yang berbeda, yakni tes dan non tes. &nbsp;Teknik non tes ini dipakai untuk melengkapi kelemahan yang terdapat pada teknik tes. Teknik non tes ini meliputi beberapa hal didalamnya yang antara lain observasi, wawancara, angket,penugasan dan beberapa metode lainnya. Evaluasi pembelajaran Nontes memberikan manfaat yang sangat menguntungkan bagi pendidik dan juga peserta didik karena didalamnya memberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan pendekatan, terjalinnya hubungan, terbangunnya komunikasi dua arah dan sekaligus mendapatkan apa yang mau dituju.</p> Pranada Pane, Istriana Dewi Natalia Copyright (c) 2024 Pranada Pane, Istriana Dewi Natalia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/120 Fri, 08 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GEREJA SEBAGAI UMAT TEBUSAN ALLAH YANG BERDAMPAK BAGI KOMUNITAS https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/118 <p><em>This study aims to understand the church as God's redeemed people who have an impact on the community. The church that has been redeemed by Jesus Christ must have a life that grows both in faith and in the practice of that faith. Pentecostals live the stages of Christianity called the Fivefold Gospel. The Christian life of Pentecostals must have an impact that is manifested in a practice of community life. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The results of this study explain. God's redeemed people must understand and also live in the Fivefold Gospel. The characteristics of the redeemed church must be an implementation of the church's task, namely preparing people who are worthy of God. Pentecostals must have an impact on the community in which they live (living in a community).</em></p> Tahan Sitanggang Copyright (c) 2024 Tahan Sitanggang https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.st3b.ac.id/index.php/imparta-tabgha/article/view/118 Wed, 31 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000